Structure of the Institute of diamond and Precious Metal Geology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk


Fridovsky V.Y.

Doctor of geologic-mineralogic sciences



Deputy Director for Science

Prokopiev A.V.

Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences

Tel: +7(4112) 33-58-27




Nagornova E.A.

Phone: +7(4112) 33-58-64

Fax: +7(4112) 33-57-08



Deputy Director for General Issues

Tarasov A.V.


Phone: +7(4112) 33-59-54



Scientific Secretary

Koroleva O.V.

Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences

Phone: +7(4112) 33-56-59



Scientific Board

  1. Fridovsky V.Y., Doctor of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Director of the Institute, Head of the Board
  2. Koroleva O.V., Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Scientific Secretary, Secretary of the Board
  3. Anisimova G.S., Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Leading Researcher
  4. Baranov V.V., Doctor of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Leading Researcher
  5. Zaitsev A.I., Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Deputy Director for Science
  6. Kozmin B.M., Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Leading Researcher
  7. Kostin A.V., Doctor of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Head of the Laboratory
  8. Kravchenko A.A., Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Senior Researcher
  9. Kutygin R.V., Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Head of the Laboratory
  10. Nikiforova Z.S., Doctor of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Chief Researcher
  11. Okrugin A.V., Doctor of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Chief Researcher
  12. Oleinikov O.B., Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Head of the Laboratory
  13. Prokopiev A.V., Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Deputy Director for Science
  14. Tomshin M.D., Candidate of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Head of the Laboratory
  15. Shkodzinsky V.S., Doctor of geologic-mineralogic sciences, Leading Researcher’
  16. Head of Young Scientists and Specialists Board


  1. Laboratory of geology and petrology of diamondiferous provinces. Head – Oleinikov O.B.
  2. Laboratory of geology and mineralogy of precious metals. Head – Kostin A.V.
  3. Laboratory of geodynamics and regional geology. Head – Prokopiev A.V.
  4. Laboratory of stratigraphy and paleontology. Head – Kutygin R.V.
  5. Geologic Museum. Head – Tomshin M.D.
  6. Department of physical-chemical methods of analysis. Head – Galenchikova L.T.